Doctors supporting SCD
Moderator: rgross
Doctors supporting SCD
I keep hearing about people having doctors who support SCD and even recommend it! I'm so envious; my current doctor is still of the "diet has little to do with it" camp. I'm ready to try a new doctor. How did you go about finding a doctor who knows about SCD, supports it, etc...? I don't want to book an appointment and wait to see someone if there is no chance they will be down for me treating with diet. If you have any tips, advice, suggestions I'd be so grateful. (I'm in Missouri, USA if that helps.)
Doctors supporting SCD
There are some top doctors in NYC, who have come around, only upon seeing some really bad cases of patients with Crohn's/Colitis go into remission with the SCD. These patients were assertive and confident with their diet approach, and did the SCD even without the doctor's support. When the doctor witnesses a patient who is sure about himself, and offers studies and research on the diet, he will eventually just let the patient have it their way. As an example - and this it completely off topic - I personally do not vaccinate my children. My pediatricians are not supportive, but let me have it my way, since I give off that "confident, I know what I'm doing" impression. They'll give me a whole report why they think I'm wrong. A number of years ago, my son got a really bad cut with a blade, and lost the tip of his finger. The ambulance took me to my pediatrician, before directing me to the ER. My pediatrician forced me to give my son the tetanus shot. Since I had studied this subject, I knew that my son had no risk of getting the disease, since this was a clean kitchen blade. My pediatrician was furious, and threatened to call the police on me. He felt I was putting my son into danger! I kept my grounds, and just refused it. In the end, he just gave up on me, and let me go to the ER without the vaccine. Just an example that the healing protocol is up to one person only - the patient! Stick up to yourself, be proud of your choice to do diet, and hold your head high!
Doctors supporting SCD
Thank you for your comment, Esther. That is really great advice. I agree that attitude is everything, and I could stand to apply that to all areas of my life and not just with my doctors. I was 21 (now 32) when I started with this doctor, very young, knew very little about UC compared to now, and much more unsure of myself, so I wouldn't be surprised if I revert back to that whenever I see him. Whenever I disagree with my doctor, he immediately escalates to say something that scares me (IF you don't ____, you may lose your colon) and I back down and do whatever he says (or worse, lie and then continue to not do what he says, very childish). Thanks again, I definitely need to work on asserting myself or the next doctor is going to treat me this way too. I think just knowing there are others out there (like here on this forum) who are dealing with this too makes me feel a lot stronger.
- Posts: 78
- Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2016 3:57 pm
Doctors supporting SCD
Amen Esther! I agree, but I have been blessed here in NY to find some Dr's that get it, a bit more than most - but still , between SCD and Lyme I find natural the way to go - maybe search for a functional medicine dr if u need one - and note, most open ppl aren't covered by ins - the med industry doesn't like us healing without meds!!!!!
God bless!

Doctors supporting SCD
Finding a Dr that is right for you does take a great deal of foot work but keep looking. I have had the best luck looking for a dr who is Wholistic/Integrative or a Naturopath. All are medically trained at certified colleges, just tend to look more at the whole patient. Here are a few resources that you can check out. I found my latest Dr. after a move -- took many years of arduous effort-- but finally found a gem.\n\nAmericanHolistic Medical Ass.\nAmerican Association of Naturopathic Physicians\nInternational college of Integrative Medicine\n\nAs Ester mentioned many of these non traditional Drs do not take Medicare or other Health Plans.
Doctors supporting SCD
There has been scientific research done on the SCD diet and IBD which has been successful but scientists still have not proven WHY it works. Until this happens doctors will not believe in it. And besides if doctors did believe in using SCD as treatment, they will all be out of work pretty quickly.
Doctors supporting SCD
Agreed about drs refusing to link diet to digestive diseases. The old saying, “you are what you eat”, couldn’t be more accurate. When my now 24 yr old son was diagnosed 4 yrs ago, We went to 7 different gastro drs who all wanted to put him on Humira, which after reading all the side effects, we refused. They were trying to “sell” us on Humira and it’s my understanding they get a “kickback”. The first dose was $9000! In the meantime, I discovered the Scd, but he was in really bad shape that he needed surgery. However, after surgery, I had him on SCD even while in the hospital, bringing him the legal foods. The surgeon told us that he will probably need 2-3 more surgeries in his lifetime, which I have to believe because most resume their old diets. Well, 3 years later, he is symptom free and took no meds. He is still on a modified SCDandvegetarian healthy diet.\nAnd Ester I agree with you about vaccines, I wish I knew more when my sons were younger as I would have also fought these.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Tue Jul 16, 2019 6:03 pm
Doctors supporting SCD
I was amazed when in the end of last year 2019, when I took my son to a gastroenterologist and told him we did the SCD diet 5 yrs ago and it worked but now my son was struggling, and the doctor suggested to keep doing the diet! Although my son hasn’t put on weight his pain have stopped! This doctor is amazing, he read about Elaine’s research and recommends it. He is also is looking for a solution for Luke since he doesn’t want to stay in the diet much longer... teenagers. We live in Maryland - Virginia area if you need a doctor in this area let me know.
Doctors supporting SCD
Cindy,\nMy son lives in Virgina and is looking for an SCD friendly dr and willing to drive. Could I get the dr's information?\nHope your son is doing well.
Doctors supporting SCD
Hi Annab3 Dr. George at mount sinai is a very SCD friendly Dr. You can find his information online good luck!!