Need advice desperately
Moderator: rgross
Need advice desperately
hi,\ni am a teenager that is on this diet and i kept on reading that after a few weeks it gets much easer its 6 weeks in already and its not getting easer just harder for example we had graduation trip, party and then my sister got engaged and had celebration party i cant go to camp because of this diet I'm sufferings a lot because of this diet. so i decided to just go off and i broke my diet because it is way to hard. can someone give me advice if i should go right back on or wait another few weeks like after i go on my summer vacation? \nI need advice desperately!
- Posts: 78
- Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2016 3:57 pm
Need advice desperately
Hang in there. It is hard to live this lifestyle at first but it's worth it to heal. I t is definitely easier for me as an adult, but I have had my son on it at different times too.. It is best to find versions of the things you miss, and just bring your food so you have something to eat while everyone is eating. Now I'm at the point that I don't really care if I drink water while people eat, but if it's restaurant I'd prefer to at least have my food so I'm doing what everyone else is.\nI'm sorry there is no quick answer but I will recommend good gut testing. It is pricey but I wish I did it earlier in my journey. If you are a teen and live in NY or NJ I highly recommend Dr Erena Treskova - she was both my son's GI. She is very thorough knows diet - but a Func Dr. may be needed for a good GI Map test if she won't sign off on it, but she probably will. Once you heal and seal the gut, you will tolerate more foods. sending prayers - hang in
God bless!

Need advice desperately
Keep going! It's super hard, but so worthwhile. True, I am an adult and in charge of my own kitchen, but going out and socializing is really tuff when you can't join the food.\nI am today B'H without any meds and the diet is working. HATZLACHA!! and keep strong.
Need advice desperately
can you give me the contact info for the doctor yes I do live in N.Y?\nand I also want advice if I should go right back on or wait till after my vacation or wait a little there after till after my surgery? and yes another issue is I don't have a doctor helping me through this
Need advice desperately
Lea, my daughter is 17 and has been on the diet for 1 1/4 years so far. There's no denying that it's so challenging to be on this diet as a teen - much more than as an adult - especially when everything in school and camp is about food. It requires a lot of strength and motivation. I don't know if you cook and bake, but it was important to my daughter to learn to make SCD foods that she likes so she wouldn't feel as deprived (e.g. ice cream, cookies, pizza). If you decide to stick to the diet, my daughter would be happy to speak to you. But you have to be ready to take the plunge to do the diet; if it's too hard and you're faltering, maybe you're just not ready yet and should return to it when you're more ready. It took my daughter a while until she was ready to start and make the commitment. My friend's daughter wasn't ready to go on the diet for a few years until after she finished seminary, but she's been on it ever since (and has gotten married and had a baby).
Need advice desperately
You mentioned surgery, is this due to intestinal obstruction? This diet may not be recommended under such circumstances due to its reliance on high fiber foods that increase the risk for further obstructions. Even if your doctor is not pro-diet, you can rely on him about this risk. At the very least, speak to a dietician or nutritionist with experience with IBD patients.
Need advice desperately
Hi,\n\nI am sorry that it was so difficult for you, I can relate as I did this diet in Yeshiva in Israel. I had to cook all of my own food and do my own shopping. It took a lot of time. The biggest challenge for me was that everyone else was able to easily eat regular food and all the goodies like cakes, candies, chocolate, popcorn, soda, etc. all stuff easily without thinking twice and I was always sitting there with my own food. There are many emotional things too such as standing out, and everyone inquires about why I am eating such food, when I just want to be left alone and not have to tell everyone that I have chrons. I am not sure what you mean when you say that it gets easier after 6 weeks. If you mean that its easier to have self control regarding being around other food and parties, so when new parties and occasions come up, it gets a bit easier because you get used to it, but its something that does take self control. What helped me was that everytime I was around other food and chose not to eat it, there is a feeling of taking care of myself. Similar to going on a diet to lose weight, its hard but rewarding. This diet does wonders and works magic. Its literally one of the greatest things out that that someone figured out how to beat this thing. sometimes it feels like we are doing a lot and not seeing the rewards of it, but deep down we know what the alternative is, whether taking more serious medicine, or rushing to the washroom, or tons of pain, or whatever else it may be. The advice is to do the diet. If you feel that it would be too hard to do while you go on your summer vacation then start later, just know that there may be some concequences for that choice. Also know, once you start it, you gotta keep to it. as apposed to each time you are at a party being able to cheat a bit...So I would suggest, take a paper and write down some of your motovations for it, to always have around for when it gets hard. This diet has changed my life physically, mentally, and emotionally and was one of the best things for me. I am not belittling the hardship of it, but it is extremely rewarding and the payoff is tremendous!!
Need advice desperately
Also, there is a great doctor in columbia (NYC), Dr Phillip Kazlow, who is pro the diet and has helped me tremendously. I dont know who your doctor is, but if you are looking for a doctor who is pro the diet, he is excellent!!!!!\n\nThe number for his office is (212) 304-5860