New to SCD, but now extreme bloating
Moderator: rgross
New to SCD, but now extreme bloating
Hi Everyone. I have ulcerative colitis and I started SCD about three weeks ago. Everything has been going great, but about five days ago I started having intense bloating. My bloating has not gone down and my stomach is still quite hard. Does anyone know what this could be? Could this be a bad reaction to almond flour I introduced around the same time? Any advice?
- Posts: 78
- Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2016 3:57 pm
New to SCD, but now extreme bloating
Definitely could be. That seems very soon to introduce it, and it can bind you. I've been SCD since 2008, and still can't handle it When you are ready try pecan butter firs, maybe work onto almond butter first too before flour. It can be used in the same measurement as flour would be in recipes. You must keep a food dairy and go slow with introducing, so you can see what you may be reacting too. Reactions can take 3-5 days, or can be immediate. They can be anywhere from headaches, to mood issues to gut, so keep track, go slow - and here's to your healing and feeling better soon!\nGod bless,\nEileen
New to SCD, but now extreme bloating
Thank you! I agree. After looking everything over, I definitely introduced it too soon. Thank you, again:)
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2020 3:14 pm
New to SCD, but now extreme bloating
Another tip is to make sure that whatever products you use are gluten-free, even if you haven't been diagnosed as celiac or gluten-intolerant. \n\nAnd I agree about the almond flour, it was probably too soon, but stay tuned! In time you may be able to eat it without issue. \n\nGluten free.