Beware! Norman's Greek Yogurt

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Joined: Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:56 am

Beware! Norman's Greek Yogurt

Beware - seems like Noman's changed their formula on their plain greek yogurt - it now contains "pectin", an SCD illegal ingredient. This product is no longer suitable for SCD Yogurt Making.
Posts: 1506
Joined: Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:56 am

Re: Beware! Norman's Greek Yogurt

Mehadrin Plain Greek Yogurt.

Re: Beware! Norman's Greek Yogurt

The large tub of normans plain greek yogurt does not list pectin in the ingredients, only the small ones do
Posts: 1506
Joined: Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:56 am

Re: Beware! Norman's Greek Yogurt

I would still be suspicious - unless I verified it with the supplier. Sometimes they can use old packaging for new formula. It's unlikely they are making a different formula for the small size, and a different one for the large size. I would suggest to eithere use the Mehadrin brand, or another legal brand, or to call Norman's and find out more.
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Re: Beware! Norman's Greek Yogurt

Has anyone reached out to Normans to find out if the large tubs do indeed contain pectin?
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