At Long Last... Welcome Back to Wellbee's FORUM!

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Joined: Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:56 am

At Long Last... Welcome Back to Wellbee's FORUM!

For years we've been communicating with such insightful posts on the Wellbee's FORUM, when one sad day it went boomps....the forum crashed on us just like that! At first we thought it was just a glitch in the system, and it won't be long before we'd be back again. However, it took many tries from the programming point of view to realize that this was a very serious disease! Fast forward 18 months, we consulted and highered top specialists in the field, who basically all picked up their hands and said: it's a goner! The only option is to start from scratch - which means all the super helpful/useful/amazing posts would no longer be available at everyone's fingertips. As anyone who is following the SCD diet can testify, having a database of SCD related q&a and insights is just so so wonderful and helpful!
Thus, the Wellbee's team went through hell and bent themselves all the way back to revive the dead and bring back to life what was said to be the impossible. How? We'll leave that for another time.
For now, we just felt you'd appreciate to hear what's at your fingertips! You can feel free to ask away, share insights, tips, ideas, etc. However, since so many questions have already been answered, we very much recommend to do a quick search to see if the "to be asked question" has already been answered.
For example: If you were going to ask: What's the recommended prep for a colonoscopy? Then do a search for "colonoscopy", and most likely you'll find the answer you're looking for. Same goes to: Is canned mushrooms legal? Which brand tomato juice can be used? Which yogurt starter can I use that's cholov yisroel? etc etc . And of course, do not hesitate to ask if you do not find the answer you're looking for.
Happy Connecting!

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Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:12 pm

Re: Welcome to the Wellbees SCD Forum

It's great to have the forum back.
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